Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Hello.. It's been a while!

Well its been almost 2 years since I last posted a recipe. I took a break from blogging to concentrate on some other fun things. In the past 2 years, I have lost 25 pounds, started exercising daily, and just recently hired a personal trainer to help me take it to the next level. I really enjoy weight lifting and I want to get more into it but I am taking that one day at a time. On my hiatus I've started a great job at a college and began using natural oils in my home. I also have a Certified Health Coach and Friend who really helps me put things in perspective when it comes to overall health and well being.  I'm slowly changing even more in my household such as the foods I purchase and the cleaning products I use. I just very recently began to change my food choices and I am considering a totally raw vegan lifestyle. I notice that even being a fairly healthy and active lady in my 30's I love sugar (maybe I am addicted). I am currently taking everything white  (including dairy) out of my diet and my only beverage choice is water (and an occasional adult cocktail). I have noticed terrible cravings for sugar such as candy bars and cookies after several days of eating a high protein, high vegetable diet. I feel tremendous guilt for eating these things yet for some reason my brain continues to tell my body I'm missing something and my response is to feel unfounded hunger. Ive kept my weight at 114 for almost 2 years now.. This is my weight before I had my two children and seems to be the most comfortable and natural for me. I am currently writing a new book with very healthy recipes transitioning into a vegetarian and vegan lifestyle or plant based living. I will post recipes as I create them and even ones that have inspired me that are from other vegans and vegetarians. Please follow my blog posts and videos as I chronicle the good, the bad, and the ugly!

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